Hello I was having a discussion with a colleague of mine on how `pasta` when invoked independently drops you in a new user and network namespace and how that causes some folks to not realize what has happened especially because there's no cue as to what transpired. This is not uncommon though, because a lot of times, folks having issues with pasta while running it with podman, tend to invoke pasta directly to debug. I interacted with Stefano regarding this and he told me that pasta already detaches the UTS namespace and so in order to address this issue, I propose that we set the hostname as part of `pasta_spawn_cmd()`.Doing this would provide users with a clear visual indication that they are in a new user namespace (among other ns but that won't be indicative here) and avoid issues similar to the aforementioned. I'm looking to gather more opinions on how this change, if implemented, would affect the functionality. Looking forward to the discussion. Thank you danishpraka.sh :wq